Friday, June 24, 2011

More About My Host Family :)


So I know I just made a brief post about my visa process and host family but I think they deserve a whole post dedicated to them.

Okay, Quick recap of my family:

Host Brothers: Lorenzo(16) and Alvero(9)

Host Mom: Silvia

Host Dad: Gonzalo

They live in Vilagarica de Arousa, Spain, which is in the Galician region of Spain. The town is pretty close to the size of De Pere, 36,000 people live in Vilagarica.

When AFS emailed me to finalize my family,I found out that they would only be hosting me until December 31, 2011.

Hi Erika,

Great news! AFS- Spain has just provided us with information about your Permanent Host Family Placement! I’m sure your host family will be excited to hear from you, so we encourage you to get in touch with them as soon as you have a chance.

In fact, your placement is actually what we call a "Permanent Multiple Host Family Placement", which means that you will live with two different families throughout your time in Spain. The Granja Guillan family will host you until December 31st, 2011, at which time you will move to another family most likely within the same community. I do not yet have any details on your second family, and chances are that you will not have that information until much closer to the time in which you will move homes.

Wait? I have to switch families?

Apprently I do.

As I read this, I couldn't understand why I would be switching families. I wondered why I wasn't informed of this before and to be honest, I was a bit upset. I had been talking to Lorenzo for a few days prior to getting the email from AFS and I was excited to meet him and his family! I asked him if he knew anything about this and he did. He told me that his family would only be hosting me until December because they were worried that if they signed up for a year and the student they had living with them was not what they had hoped for, they wouldn't have to commit to hosting someone for 10 months. Lorenzo then told me that I was a "perfect match" for his family and that his mom is going to speak wtih AFS and see if they can keep me for the 10 months. I hope everything works out!

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