Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Travel Updates


During this past month, I have recieved many emails/letters from AFS about my travel plans, Departure orientation, flights and such.

So my plans are as follows:
Drive down to Milwaukee bright & early on Wednesday August 31st to catch a 7:55 AM flight to Cincinnati with Katie Madigan. From Cincinnati,we fly to JFK and land at about 1:35 in New York. We are then spending the night in New York and flying out the next night to Spain. Here's our itnerary:

-Fly out of JFK at 8:55 PM on September 1st
-Arrive in Zurich at 10:50 AM September 2nd
-Fly out of Zurich to Madrid at 12:25 PM September 2nd

I asked Lorenzo if his family was meeting me in Madrid and he said I would be flying to Santiago de Compostela, where they will drive to and pick me up!

This is going to be a really weird experiece, just flying to New York without one of my parents. I don't know how to find different terminals in airports, but my stepdad said the Cincinnati airport is relativly small so we should be able to catch our flight to New York on time.

My most recent item from AFS was an information sheet called "What Do I Do When I Get Off the Plane in New York?"

62 More days left!

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