Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Difficult Visa Process + Chicago Traffic = STRESSFUL SITUATION!


Today was my Visa appointment in Chicago at the Consulate General of España! I feel like a HUGE weight has been lifted off my shoulders. All of the paperwork associated with getting a visa for Spain is termendous. So many documents need Appostilles, need to be signed by a notary republic. You must also obtain a background check if you're going to be in Spain for more than 180 days.

I am so relieved that all of that is over. The next step is waiting 4-5 weeks for the Embassy to approve my visa application and then go back to Chicago to pick up my passport with the visa stampped inside :D

I had no idea what to expect before I stepped into the building that the Consulate General of Spain is in. On the Consulate website, they show a picture and I thought the whole 22 floors of the building had something to do with Spain.

The Consulate of Spain is on the 15th floor and the room is not big at all, I was expecting it to be a place where you have to get a number a be called up to meet with visa coordinator. I thought it was an informal meeting. I missed my appointment which was at 9:30 AM (there was a severe thunderstorm in Chicago that caused all the stop lights to stop working, so there were lines of cars at intersections that we had to treat like 4-way stops. So it took us 3 hours to go 60 miles! It was crazy traffic!) Even though I missed my appointment, they allowed me to still turn in all my paper work, which I was VERY thankful for!

I have 49 Days until Spain! I can't wait!

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