Thursday, July 7, 2011

Skyping With Lorenzo & Amigos


Lorenzo and I finally got to Skype today :) I am so excited about this because one day my microphone wasn't working, then his wasn't working, but today they both finally worked. I was also able to meet some of his friends! They all seemed really excited when I started talking, even though they can't speak much English.

Skyping was kinda like a pre-meeting with Lorenzo and his friends, I could hear their voices and see their faces as well. I felt bad because they spoke in English and were getting frusterated when they couldn't understand what I was saying, so we switched to speaking Spanish (okay,okay more like Spanglish). But I thought I did pretty good for not having much conversation in Spanish before. I surprised myself and remembered quite a bit grammar from Spanish class. I was really nervous when we started speaking Spanish because I didn't know if they would understand me, but when they nodded, smiled and responded, I knew they understood me! yay, my summer practice is starting to pay off!

1 comment:

  1. Ayy that's so cool! I need to practice my conversation skills! Just saying random sentences in Spanish doesn't do much! I'll see you soon!
